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Ultra Femme Vaginal Rejuvenation: Celebrity Viewpoint

Celebrities have a way of opening up conversations about medical treatments and a wide variety of other topics that seem taboo or are not so easy to discuss. For example, Jada Pinkett Smith recently talked about having vaginal rejuvenation treatments performed. She used Ultra Femme vaginal rejuvenation in order to address bladder issues. The actress discussed this topic on a recent episode of Red Table Talk. She says that the bladder issues she was experiencing went away after just three sessions.

Ultra Femme is a non-surgical vaginal rejuvenation treatment. It is often used as an alternative to vaginoplasty and other surgical procedures. This safe and innovative treatment is able to completely rejuvenate the vagina, including tightening the vaginal skin and reducing the labia. Since it is not a surgical procedure, it calls on the body’s natural process of producing collagen in order to improve the vaginal skin. The wand that is used produces heat, which stimulates the production of collagen in the vaginal skin.

When Jada Pinkett Smith first talked to her doctor about how the process was done, the doctor explained that a wand would be moved in and out of the vagina in order to introduce heat, which would stimulate cellular turnover. She says that the treatment made her feel young again.

You may be wondering what the Ultra Femme vaginal rejuvenation process is like. This treatment allows our clients to address the vaginal canal and labia at the same time. Or just one area can be addressed, depending on the situation. The treatment is performed in the comfort of our office.

As Jada Pinkett Smith mentioned, she needed three treatment sessions in order to deal with her bladder issues. Most of our clients need multiple treatment sessions in order to get the best results. Women are likely to see some improvement in their vaginal skin as soon as the treatment is over. However, the best results are going to be seen in the weeks after the last treatment is performed. This is because it takes time for the collagen to continue to remodel.

Women all across the United States and around the world are dealing with bladder problems, vaginal dryness, and a wide variety of other feminine issues. Thanks to Jada Pinkett Smith and other celebrities, more and more people are talking about Ultra Femme vaginal rejuvenation and other treatments that can address these issues.

Talk to our team at Ambiance MD in Green Bay to get started. Contact us today to book a consultation!

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