Facial aging comes in many different forms. Among the very first of these to appear, however, are dynamic wrinkles. These are tiny creases that typically develop around the mouth and eyes or across the brow. Rather than indicating a general breakdown in the structural integrity of the skin, this type of wrinkling is the result of accumulated stress and tension within the expressive facial muscles. BOTOX® is a powerful protein solution that’s capable of releasing these creases. Currently one of the most popular anti-aging procedures available in Green Bay, BOTOX® injections are fast, effective, and simple. Best of all, these treatments are non-surgical and do not require any recovery time.
How BOTOX® Releases Dynamic Wrinkles
Dynamic wrinkling is always most visible whenever the expressive muscles are being used. For instance, you might not see any crow’s feet around your eyes until you actually smile. During a BOTOX® treatment, our provider will insert a very small amount of this solution into the creased areas. As the solution takes effect, nerve signals to the expressive muscles around your eyes will be blocked, tension will be released, and your crow’s feet will gradually relax. Best of all, you’ll still have the ability to show your winning smile, even as you maintain a smoother and far more younger-looking appearance overall.
Is BOTOX® the Right Treatment for You?
There are countless benefits that Green Bay residents can gain by adding BOTOX® to their anti-aging plans. Not only is the treatment perfect for minimizing or even eliminating dynamic wrinkles, but it’s also a highly effective form of dynamic wrinkle prevention. Moreover, the treatment can be safely paired with a number of other cosmetic treatments for reducing the signs of facial aging. For instance, our provider may use BOTOX® along with a trusted dermal filler to both release dynamic wrinkles and restore lost facial volume.
Are You a Good Candidate for BOTOX®?
BOTOX® treatments are perfect for men and women in the Green Bay area who are dealing with dynamic wrinkles. If you’re in good overall health and are unhappy with the dynamic wrinkles on your face, make an appointment at Ambiance MD in Green Bay to see if this treatment can work for you. Contact our office today to schedule a consultation!