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Skin Tightening via BTL Exilis Ultra

As we get older, our skin starts to show the unwanted signs of aging. We start to develop wrinkles, we lose facial volume, and our skin starts to sag. It can be frustrating to see these signs of aging start to appear. In times past, the best option for getting rid of saggy skin was surgical procedures like a facelift. However, many people shy away from a facelift because of the uneven results they saw on others. Other people simply cannot afford a facelift or could not afford the time away from work needed to tighten up their skin. If you are concerned about loose skin and want to do something about it, but you do not want to go under the knife, you will be happy to learn about BTL Exilis Ultra™.

BTL Exilis Ultra™ is an amazing skin tightening treatment. Not only is it effective, but it is completely non-invasive. What makes this treatment so powerful is the way it makes the best of radiofrequency and ultrasound treatments. Your skin is left looking tighter and your body is producing more collagen.

The energy flow control of the BTL Exilis Ultra™ system is at the heart of why this treatment is so effective. The ability to take radiofrequency and ultrasound technology, combine them, and direct their energy on a single focused area is key to this treatment’s success. What is nice is that ultrasound technology and radiofrequency technology have been used for decades in the medical field. The effects of these therapies are well-known, and they have been shown time and time again to be safe and effective.

BTL Exilis Ultra™ is extremely flexible. This means that it can be used on just about every part of your body. The heat generated during the treatment is deep within the skin. The cooling technology that is employed during the treatment keeps the surface of your skin nice and comfortable.

The heat encourages your body to make more collagen. Collagen is essential in having tight skin that is wrinkle-free. Collagen works in conjunction with hyaluronic acid to improve the volume of your skin. This gives you a softer, rounder, younger look. BTL Exilis Ultra™ is great for people who want to improve the appearance of their face or their body, but do not want to undergo surgery in order to do so.

To be a good candidate for this treatment, you need to have loose skin in an area that the treatment can correct. You also need to be in good overall health and have realistic goals for what the treatment can accomplish. Of course, during your consultation with us at Ambiance MD, our specialist can let you know for sure whether or not you are a good candidate for this treatment. Contact us today to book your appointment at our office in Green Bay!

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